icon_widget_image info@mavencmc.com +911135974289 icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Satuday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. icon_widget_image Maven Construction Management Consultant icon_widget_image 8920478447

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We are a truly professional firm with expertise in Project Management & Construction Management Consultancy.


Working from heights means working where falling would mean falling from one level to another. Working at a height can pose a serious or life threatening risk of injury. You must make sure work is properly planned, supervised and carried out by competent people with the skills, knowledge and experience to do the job. You must use the right type of

Objective of creating Green Buildings is to reduce or eliminate negative impact, create positive impacts on our climate & preserve natural environment surrounding the project through it's Design, Construction or Operations. Green buildings helps preserve precious natural resources in & around the project location and improve our quality of life. Seven components of green building? Life cycle assessment. Siting and structure design